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\n Special Education Teacher - Extended School Year - Summer 2023 (Multiple Positions) LOCATION: Various Locations\n
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                    </tr>\n                    <tr>\n                        <td class="Answer Long" colspan="2">\n                            <iframe src="ViewJob_Description.aspx?JobID=1917" id="ifJobDescriptoin" frameborder="0" border="0" style="border: none; width: 100%; height: 1208px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"></iframe>\n                        </td>\n                    </tr>\n                    <tr>\n                        <td id="lblJobLocation" class="Question">Primary Location</td>\n\n                        <td class="Answer Long">\n                            <span id="lblLocationName">USD #116</span>\n                        </td>\n                    </tr>\n                    <tr>\n                        <td id="lblJobSalary" class="Question">Salary Range</td>\n\n                        <td class="Answer Long">\n                            <span id="lblSalary">Hourly</span>\n                        </td>\n                    </tr>\n                    <tr>\n                        <td id="lblJobShiftType" class="Question">Shift Type</td>\n\n                        <td class="Answer Long">\n                            <span id="lblShiftType">Hourly</span>\n                        </td>\n                    </tr>\n                </tbody>\n
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                        <td class="Answer">\n                            <span id="lblContactName">Jennifer Hastings</span>\n                        </td>\n                    </tr>\n                    <tr>\n                        <td id="lblContactTitleDesc" class="Question">Title</td>\n\n                        <td class="Answer">\n                            <span id="lblContactTitle">Director of Student Services</span>\n                        </td>\n                    </tr>\n                    <tr>\n                        <td id="lblContactPhoneDesc" class="Question">Phone</td>\n\n                        <td class="Answer">\n                            <span id="lblContactPhone"></span>\n                        </td>\n                    </tr>\n                    <tr>\n                        <td id="lblContactEmailDesc" class="Question">Email</td>\n\n                        <td class="Answer">\n                            <span id="lblContactEmail">jehastings@usd116.org</span>\n                        </td>\n                    </tr>\n                </tbody>\n

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\n Urbana School District #116
1101 E. University Ave., Suite B
Urbana, IL 61802

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\n","datePosted":"2023-03-09T14:16:36.016Z","validThrough":"2023-12-14","employmentType":[],"hiringOrganization":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Urbana School District 116","description":"The mission of Urbana School District 116, a multicultural community committed to educational excellence, is to ensure that all learners acquire knowledge, develop skills, and build character to achieve personal greatness and help create a better global society, by providing innovative, comprehensive programs, respecting individual learning styles and cultural differences, and fostering caring and nurturing relationships, while engaging each student, every family and the entire community.","numberOfEmployees":414,"address":[{"address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Urbana, IL, USA"}}],"sameAs":"https://usd116.org","url":"https://usd116.org","logo":"https://cdn.getro.com/companies/cc53f3fa-e018-5d22-99fc-66d39323796b","memberOf":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Champaign County EDC (Champaign-Urbana)","description":"The Champaign County Economic Development Corporation is a non-profit, public-private partnership created to engage and assist local business and primary employers to help them succeed and create jobs in Champaign County. Education is one asset among many in Champaign County that contributes to the excellent quality of life and people in the area. The EDC recognizes this and maintains this site to raise awareness of the excellent educational resources and options available to the people of Champaign County.","logo":"https://cdn.filestackcontent.com/bMJ1FLgRbu6s81gaijBj","url":"jobs.makeitcu.com"},"keywords":"Education, Professional Services"},"jobLocation":{"@type":"Place","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Urbana, IL, USA"}}}

Special Education Teacher - Extended School Year - Summer 2023 (Multiple Positions) LOCATION: Various Locations

Urbana School District 116

Urbana School District 116

Urbana, IL, USA
Posted 6+ months ago
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Applications will be accepted beginning
Wednesday, March 8, 2023 12:00 AM
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Special Education Teacher - Extended School Year - Summer 2023 (Multiple Positions) LOCATION: Various Locations
Job Description
Primary Location USD #116
Salary Range Hourly
Shift Type Hourly
Job Contact Information
Name Jennifer Hastings
Title Director of Student Services
Email jehastings@usd116.org